Council Meetings

Various images of Council meetings in a banner

Council meetings are held at 6:00pm at Council Chambers, 1 Merrijig Drive, Torquay (unless otherwise advertised).

Watch the live stream or video

July Council Meeting - special location

Anglesea Memorial Hall
1B McMillan Street, Anglesea
Tuesday 23 July at 6pm

The venue will be open from 5.30pm for an opportunity to chat with councillors. Tea, coffee and light refreshments will be provided.

2024 Meeting Dates

27 February 2024 - Council Meeting

26 March 2024 - Council Meeting
Deans Marsh Community Hall, 10 Pennyroyal Valley Road Deans Marsh

16 April 2024 - Special Council Meeting
Application to Amend Briody Drive West Development Plan & VCAT Appeal - 21/0333 - Amended Plans - Cypress Lane Torquay

23 April 2024 - Council Meeting

28 May 2024 - Council Meeting
Moriac Community Centre, Newling Reserve, 830 Hendy Main Road Moriac

4 June 2024 - Special Council Meeting for Hearing Submissions to Draft Budget 2024-25

25 June 2024 - Council Meeting

9 July 2024 - CANCELLED
Special Council Meeting for Hearing Submissions (cancelled due to no speaker registrations)

23 July 2024 - Council Meeting
Anglesea Memorial Hall, 1B McMillan Street, Anglesea

27 August 2024 - Council Meeting

16 September 2024 - Council Meeting
Council Meeting to be held on 16 September due to the Election Period commencing 17 September 2024.

22 October 2024 - Council Meeting

26 November 2024 - Council Meeting

10 December 2024 - Council Meeting

Agendas and Minutes for Council Meetings

Council meeting agendas are normally available by the close of business on the Thursday before the meeting.

If there is a delay with distribution of the agenda, this will be communicated on the Agendas and Minutes page linked below.

The minutes and recording will be online as soon as possible after the meeting, usually the following week.

Public Question Time

If you have a question you would like to ask at a meeting of Council, it must be received by 3pm on the day before the meeting. All questions will be managed in accordance with Council's Governance Rules(PDF, 597KB).  

Submit a question now

    Please note:

    • Questions relating to agenda items will be addressed first.
    • Multiple questions relating to the same agenda item will be grouped and responded to together and repetitive questions will refer to previous answers.
    • Questions that are unrelated to items on the meeting agenda will be answered at the discretion of the Chair and are subject to availability of time.
    • If not answered at the meeting, a written answer will be provided within 5 days.

    Councillor Briefings and Workshops

    As outlined in the information below, which can be found in the Guide to Councils on the Know Your Council website, councillor briefings and workshops are an important part of Council's decision making process.

    Council Briefings and Workshops

    It’s important that councillors find out about the detail of relevant issues before making decisions at council meetings.

    Some councils hold briefings or workshops to help brief councillors on day to day issues affecting the council. These are generally internal sessions with council staff, but, sometimes outside advisors are present.

    Briefing sessions enable councillors to discuss issues among themselves and with senior staff. These briefing sessions can help councillors understand a complex issue. They provide a way for councillors to request additional information to assist them in making decisions.

    Councillors cannot make legally binding decisions in briefings or workshops. At any meeting involving at least half the councillors and at least one member of staff (referred to as ‘assemblies of councillors’), where matters are likely to lead to a formal council decision, a record must be kept of those items considered and councillors are subject to the conflict of interest rules.

    Councillor briefing sessions should not be confused with public briefings. Public briefings are held by councils when they want to brief members of the community about council activities, or other significant matters that might be coming before the council in the near future.

    To learn more, visit the Know Your Council website.

    Need more information?

    Lodge a request

    Contact Council's governance team: (03) 5261 0600

    Council meetings are conducted in accordance with Council's Governance Rules(PDF, 689KB), which Council has developed and adopted as required by the Local Government Act 2020.