Graffiti Management
Council has a strong commitment to enhancing and developing the visual appearance of its municipality to ensure it is a place where people feel safe, connected and proud of their town.
Businesses, community groups, clubs and residents can all play an important role in graffiti management in Surf Coast Shire. By working together to prevent and remove graffiti, we can step closer to a cleaner, safer and more visually appealing community.
Our responsibility
We are responsible for removing graffiti on all Council-owned properties and assets.
This includes buildings, public toilets, public rotundas, public barbeques, playgrounds and equipment, street furniture, footpaths, bike paths, Council signage and reserve fencing.
For Council-owned property:
If you see graffiti on Council property, please report as soon as possible by either: 1. Telephoning 03 5261 0600 or 2. Lodging a request.
Council staff aim to remove all graffiti on property owned by Council as quickly as possible. We will endeavour to remove offensive graffiti within 24 hours.
Refer to Council's Graffiti Management Policy(PDF, 179KB) for more information.
Private property
If you have been the victim of a graffiti attack, please report by contacting your local police station. It is important to photograph all graffiti before removing, as a form of evidence and for potential future identification of suspect.
Vic Police (Non-urgent reports) 131 444 or visit the Victoria Police website.
If you have information regarding known graffiti offenders, illegal activity or people acting suspiciously, you can report anonymously to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Remove graffiti on your property as soon as possible – research suggests that the longer graffiti is visible the more likely it will attract further attacks.
Please note: Surf Coast Shire Council does not remove graffiti from private property. Council will supply graffiti removal kits to assist with the removal of graffiti from private property.
Other authority's assets
You may also wish to report and request removal of graffiti on assets owned by another authority (other than Council). Please note that relevant authority is responsible for the removal of graffiti. Here is a guide on which authority to contact and how to contact them.
Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority (GORCAPA)
Contact: GORCAPA
Is responsible for managing a range of public services, facilities and infrastructure, on the foreshore including:
- Beach access infrastructure
- Picnic tables and shelters
Contact: NBN