Public transport

Bus at a bus stop

Public Transport Victoria (PTV) provides public transport service in the shire. Visit the PTV website for timetables, routes, fare and accessibility information, as well as useful journey planning tools.


McHarry’s Buslines operates public transport bus services between Geelong and the Torquay/Jan Juc area, including connecting services to Marshall Train Station for people commuting to Melbourne. McHarry’s also operates the V/Line bus service along the Great Ocean Road, between Geelong and Apollo Bay.

For detailed information on tickets, fares, timetables, routes, stop locations and more, visit McHarry’s or V/Line .

Seasonal bus - Colac to Lorne
A seasonal bus service operates between Colac and Lorne for a six week period over summer - view the timetable(PDF, 296KB).
here is a chance this service could be extended if usage is high enough. 


The Warnambool to Geelong train line runs through parts of the Surf Coast Shire servicing the town of Winchelsea.

V/Line timetables
1800 800 007 or TTY: (03) 9619 2727

Taxi Services in the Surf Coast

There are multiple taxi and rideshare services in the area; four of which are wheelchair accessible. 

Search online to find a service that works for you.

School Buses

School bus services are administered by the Department of Transport. Changes to school bus routes are referred from individual schools to the Department of Education bus route coordinator. In turn, the coordinator approval from Council to use the roads proposed along the new route.