
Planning considers the way land is used and developed, and how this impacts the character and amenity (liveability) of an area. A planning permit allows for works such as subdividing land, development and use, tree removal, or operating a business or other commercial activity. Planning permits are issued by Surf Coast Shire, VCAT or the Minister for Planning.

Updates from 1 July 2024

Council has adopted changes to the statutory planning fees and charges, which will come into effect on 1 July 2024.

All changes have been recommended based on benchmarking against similar and neighbouring councils to assist with the efficiency and effectiveness of the services provided.

Some key changes include:

1.   Pre-application fees - a new fee of $350 for pre-application  assessment and advice.

2.   Resubmission of plans to comply fees - a new fee of $350 for resubmission of amended plans to comply with permit condition (first submission is of no charge).

3.   Advertising sign fee - a new fee of $40 per advertising sign to cover costs.

There will be increases to other fees.