Karaaf Wetlands assessments about to be released

Published on 14 October 2022

Karaaf Wetlands

We’re about to release the findings of two independent assessments, which will help Council, other agencies and the community to better understand:

- the functionality of the north Torquay stormwater system

- its impacts on the environmental health of the Karaaf Wetlands.

Here are some key dates:

Wednesday 19 October (afternoon): Assessments released

We will publish the stormwater and environmental assessments in full on our website (they will form part of the agenda for the October council meeting).  


Tuesday 25 October 6pm: Council meeting at Council offices in Torquay

The assessments will be presented to councillors for noting at the October Council meeting. Anyone can attend this meeting in-person or you can livestream the meeting.


Thursday 27 October 6pm-8pm: Open information session at Council offices in Torquay

We’re holding an open information session where you can meet the authors of the assessments and learn about the findings. Council representatives will talk about how we’ll use the findings. We are seeking to provide an online option (more information will be posted on our website closer to the date).


We Acknowledge the Karaaf is on Wadawurrung Country and we pay our respects to the Wadawurrung Traditional Owners that have and continue to care for this place for thousands of generations.



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