In July 2021, Council resolved to consider a project proposal to sell the land at 42 Harding Street in Winchelsea for a nominal fee of $1.
Local not for profit organisation Winanglo has approached Council with an affordable housing option for the site. They proposal is to use the site to develop 10-12 units to provide housing for up to 20 older residents or people living with a disability. The buildings would be sustainable and affordable.
Please note Council has not made a decision is seeking community feedback on this proposal as well as asking for alternative options for use of the site.
Read the frequently asked questions(DOCX, 27KB)
We welcome your feedback and/or suggestions for the use of 42 Harding Street.
Share your feedback
If you require a hard copy survey, or would like assistance with providing feedback, please contact us, or 5261 0600.
Feedback is welcome by 5pm Friday 26 November.
Draft concept designs from Winanglo
(Find out more at

Project Background
42 Harding Street Winchelsea was originally owned by the Church of England.
In 1977 the Church of England transferred the land to the Shire of Winchelsea for a nominal price. The desired use for the site was for community purposes.
After the amalgamation of Councils in 1994 the Surf Coast Shire Council became the land owners of this site. The land has remained vacant since 1977.