Fire Up! Surf Coast
Fire Up! is a program to help residents get fire-ready before bushfire season.
Our Resilient Communities Officer is available to talk to you individually or as a group - whether that’s you and a few neighbours or your community group.
We can help you identify and plan:
- What are your risks?
- How grassfires and bushfires behave?
- How you can prepare your house and property?
- How to protect yourself and your family in a fire?
- Is your farm as well prepared as it could be?
- Where to find information about local fires and emergencies?
- What actions can you take to help your local fire brigade?
Call us on (03) 5261 0600 or email to discuss your requirements.
Bushfire information videos
The Fire Game

The Fire Game is Council's award-winning board game designed to put your bushfire knowledge to the test and help you prepare for a fire emergency. For more information, check out our The Fire Game page.
For more information on The Fire Game or council's Fire Up! program, contact our Resilient Communities Officer: or phone 5261 0600.