Positive Ageing Advisory Committee
The committee currently has vacancies for people representing Aireys Inlet, Anglesea, Lorne and Torquay!
Register your interest to be on the committee

The Surf Coast Shire Council's Positive Ageing Advisory Committee (PAAC) is comprised of up to eleven community representatives, endorsed every three years. The members reflect the diversity of the shire in gender, culture and geography. The committee also includes one nominated councillor and relevant Council officers.
The PAAC's role is to provide input and recommendations into Council strategies, plans and policies which relate to people ageing well within their communities. PAAC members also champion and support the facilitation of Council's Age Friendly Strategy 2020 - 2024(PDF, 5MB).
The PAAC acts as an advisory committee to Council. Its role is to collect and consider evidence, ideas and community input about how Council can best create an age friendly Surf Coast - where older people are valued, supported, and empowered to live well.
Key Achievements
Key achievements 2018 - 2022 include:
Actively involved in developing the Reform Readiness Plan supporting the transition of Council's aged care services to external service providers
Equal representation on the Request for Information Panel when interviewing prospective service providers.
Provided advice and direction on each decision making point through the service delivery transition.
Key role in the community consultation and development of the Age Friendly Strategy 2020 - 2024
Provided input and recommendations into the Council Plan and several projects and strategies focusing on pathways, housing, transportation and communication
Terms of Reference
The Committee's Terms of Reference(PDF, 153KB) have been adopted by Council.
Regular updates from the Committee will be included here on this page, to help keep the community informed of their work.
Get more information
Surf Coast Shire Council
03 5261 0600