International Day of People with Disability
To celebrate International Day of People with Disability 2023, Council partnered with Torquay Library to celebrate people with disability in the early years.
Two story times featured books about people with disability, and were supported by Auslan interpreters. Deaf role model, mum and author Renee D’Offay led one reading and Council's Child and Family Health Coordinator Amy Clemens led the other.
Mayor Liz Pattison gave a speech letting children and families know that although people with disability may do some things a little differently, they want the same things as everyone else – to have friends, play, be loved, laugh, feel included and participate in activities with friends and family.
Kindergarten teachers also led disability-focused story times during the week at each of Council’s kindergartens.
How to talk to children about disability
We have created a resource to help parents and carers talk to their children about disability in an honest and positive way.
The resource includes how to explain disability to children, tips on being positive and inclusive, activities and resources, and how to talk to your children if they have a disability.
How to talk to children about disability
About International Day of People with Disability
International Day of People with Disability is held 3 December each year. It is a United Nations observed day aimed at increasing public awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability.