Expect hot, dry conditions - find out more including what changes you can expect for Council services on Thursday.
Council services on Catastrophic and Extreme fire danger days
See what restrictions apply --->
In This Section
To comment on these policies, email info@surfcoast.vic.gov.au
Educational Programs(PDF, 455KB)
Excursions(PDF, 217KB)
Sleep, Rest and Relaxation(PDF, 424KB)
Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisations(PDF, 273KB)
Child Safe Organisation(PDF, 242KB)
Delivery of children to, and collection from, education and care service premises(PDF, 240KB)
Emergency Management and Evacuation(PDF, 238KB)
Administration of First Aid(PDF, 176KB)
Health, hygiene and safe food practices(PDF, 345KB)
Incident Injury Trauma and Illness(PDF, 277KB)
Infectious Diseases(PDF, 455KB)
Medical Conditions and Medications(PDF, 585KB)
Nappy Changing and Toileting(PDF, 219KB)
Nutrition Healthy Eating and Oral Health(PDF, 505KB)
Staff Workplace Health and Safety(PDF, 266KB)
Sun Protection(PDF, 425KB)
Supervision of Children(PDF, 307KB)
Smoking Vaping Drug Alcohol Free Environment(PDF, 198KB)
Use of Electronic Devices(PDF, 164KB)
Animals and Domestic Pets(PDF, 150KB)
Bush Beach Kindergarten Educational Program(PDF, 169KB)
Bush Beach Kinder Protective Clothing Visibility(PDF, 178KB)
Bush-Beach-Kinder-Extreme-Weather(PDF, 208KB)
Bush-Beach-Kinder-Emergency-Evacuation(PDF, 156KB)
Safe Transportation of Children and Road Safety(PDF, 531KB)
Child Safe Environment(PDF, 181KB)
Water Safety(PDF, 139KB)
Sustainability(PDF, 139KB)
Staff Code of Conduct(PDF, 146KB)
Determining the Responsible Person Present(PDF, 221KB)
Employment of Qualified Staff Ratios, Volunteers and Students(PDF, 356KB)
Interactions with Children and Behaviour Guidance (PDF, 231KB)
Access and Inclusion(PDF, 485KB)
Enrolment and Orientation(PDF, 231KB)
Family Code of Conduct(PDF, 152KB)
Central Registration and Enrolment Scheme (CRES)(PDF, 249KB)
Confidentiality and Storage of Records(PDF, 376KB)
Governance and Management(PDF, 171KB)
Payment of Fees(PDF, 198KB)
Responding to Subpoenas Witness Summonses(PDF, 322KB)
Complaint Handling Policy(PDF, 220KB)
The following policies have been reviewed and are open for comment. You can provide comments on these policies by emailing info@surfcoast.vic.gov.au by 7 March 2025.
Medical Conditions and Medications(PDF, 342KB)
Nutrition Healthy Eating and Oral Health(PDF, 311KB)
Supervision of Children(PDF, 199KB)
Smoking, Vaping, Drug and Alcohol Free Environment(PDF, 136KB)
Safe Transportation of Children and Road Safety(PDF, 302KB)
Council's Early Years Unit is currently reviewing the following policies:
Nappy Changing & Toileting
Sun Protection
Municipal Early Years Plan 2021 - 2025(PDF, 4MB)
Kindergarten Service Statement(PDF, 444KB)
The Early Years team conduct a survey with existing families to see how we can improve our service delivery each year. The results for 2024 can be found here.(PPTX, 396KB)