Building permits, forms and applications

Find a building surveyor

Within the Surf Coast municipality, private building surveyors issue building permits and conduct the appropriate inspections.

Any building surveyor registered in Victoria can provide this service.

An internet search is a good way to find a surveyor in the area that suits your needs.

Building forms and applications

Select the form you want from the list below.  

If you need these forms in another format please contact our Customer Service team on 5261 0600 or

Community infrastructure levy payment form

The community infrastructure levy goes towards works such as meeting spaces, community buildings, kindergartens and library services.

The maximum amount payable is $1,450 per dwelling.

Community infrastructure levy form

Map of community infrastructure levy charges in Torquay and Jan Juc(PDF, 3MB)

Map of community infrastructure levy charges in Winchelsea(PDF, 589KB)

A landowner who intends to build

  • a single dwelling on a lot affected by the Development Contributions Plan Overlay where the lot was approved after 1 August 2013; or

  • more than one dwelling on any lot affected by the Development Contributions Plan Overlay; or

  • a single dwelling or more than one dwelling on a lot affected by a section 173 agreement

is responsible for payment of the Community Infrastructure Levy prior to the issue of a building permit.


Building Investigation Request

Have questions or concerns about the safety of existing buildings?

Worried someone is building something without a permit?

Let us know and we can investigate.

Building investigation request

Building over an easement

An easement is a section of land that Council (or other nominated agencies or authorities) has a right to access, usually because it supports essential services like

  • stormwater drainage
  • sewerage
  • power infrastructure.

If we can't access an easement we can't do maintenance work.

If an easement is blocked, the flow of stormwater through flow paths might also be blocked. 

Because of this we don't allow habitable structures to be built over an easement, but we may allow certain temporary, removable or lightweight structures.

If you are unable to modify your plans so that easements are clear, submit this form to see whether the proposed development qualifies for approval.

Building over an easement application

Building property information request

Any person may request the following information about a property, under Regulation 51 of the Building Regulations:

  • Details of any building permits or certificates of final inspection issued in the preceding 10 years.

  • Information about the property’s susceptibility to flooding.

  • Whether buildings in the area are likely to be subject to attack by termites.

  • Whether a property has a bush fire attack level (BAL) specified.

Building property information request


Building report and consent application

When a building design does not comply with siting requirements under the regulations, a building surveyor cannot issue a building permit until you obtain a Report and consent from Council. This is the process to seek approval from Council to proceed with building or construction works that may affect community assets, infrastructure or neighbours amenity.

Please note: this is an application process and does not mean your proposal will be automatically approved.

Building report and consent application

You can apply for the following regulation matters:

Siting matters

  • Maximum street setback

  • Minimum street setback

  • Building height

  • Site coverage

  • Permeability

  • Car parking

  • Side and rear setbacks

  • Walls or carports on boundaries

  • Daylight to existing/new habitable rooms

  • Solar access to existing north facing habitable rooms

  • Overshadowing of secluded private open space

  • Overlooking

  • Private open space

  • Siting of outbuildings

  • Front fence height

  • Fence setbacks from rear or side boundaries

  • Fences on side or rear boundaries

  • Fences on street alignment

  • Fences and daylight to existing habitable room windows

  • Fences and solar access to existing north facing habitable room windows

  • Fences and overshadowing of recreational private space

  • Masts, poles etc

Non-siting matters

  • Projections beyond the street alignment

  • Building above or below certain public facilities

  • Flood areas

For siting matters, you will need to provide reasons for your application and refer to the Minister's guidelines under Section 188A of the Building Act 1993.

Neighbours’ input and consultation

When considering any application for 'siting matters', we take into account the impact the proposed siting might have on adjoining properties. We may also contact your neighbours for their comments, which may in turn have a bearing on our decision to approve or refuse the siting design. We'll ask them to complete the Adjoining owners comment online form. It's a good idea to consult with your neighbours before Council contacts them, which may also speed up the advertising process of your application.

Here is a PDF version of the Adjoining owners comments form if you'd like to print it and give them a copy.

If we decide to refuse your application, you have the right to appeal the decision to the Building Appeals Board. Note that neighbours don’t have a right of appeal if they don’t agree with Council's final decision.

Request for search and copy of building documents

The owner of a property can use this form to request a search and copy of one full building permit documentation, or a single document from a permit such as:

  • architectural plans
  • structural plans
  • soil report
  • building permit
  • occupancy permit.

Request for search and copy of building documents

Important information before submitting your request:

  • The fee payable relates to the search and copy of one (1) building permit onlyPlease specify which building permit you require on the form, eg. original dwelling, 2005 extension, 2011 renovation, swimming pool, re-stumping etc. If you do require a search and copy of multiple permits additional fees may be payable. 
  • Please note it is unlikely these plans will contain information relating to drainage, sewerage, plumbing or electrical plans specifically for your site. If you are searching for sewerage information please contact Barwon Water
  • If the plans do happen to show a dotted line referencing a stormwater system, the plumber who installed the system is not likely to have installed it in the location/s referenced on the plans (with exception of the LPOD connection point) as this is a guide only.

The only information Council can provide regarding stormwater systems on private allotments is:

  1. The location of any Council drainage infrastructure, usually within an easement OR
  2. The location of the legal point of discharge (LPOD) for where the private drainage line is required to connect to. Please refer to our Council Engineering Drainage page.

Demolition consent

Consent from Council may be required before starting any demolition. Please speak with the Building Surveyor handling your building permit to see if a 'Section 29A Request for Report and Consent' for demolition application is required. 

Demolition consent form

You'll need to supply a copy of plans showing the area to be demolished to complete the application form.

Hoarding permits

Hoardings and barricades are usually required to be installed around building sites, both to protect the public and to secure the site when unattended.

A hoarding permit is required prior to carrying out precautions to protect the safety of the public which involves any occupation of Council land. This may include things such as temporary fencing, hoardings, gantry’s or barricades.

Apply for a new hoarding permit Amend/extend your hoarding permit


If works requiring a building permit are involved, it is the responsibility of the relevant building surveyor to decide when precautions are required throughout the project and not Council. In these cases, please consult your building surveyor prior to submitting your application to determine the suitability of precautions.

Even if no building permit is required for your works, such as painting, you may still need a hoarding permit.

Events - PoPE and Temporary Structures

If you are planning on holding an event (either on public or private land), you may require a permit for a Place of Public Entertainment (PoPE).

These permits ensure the event complies with all safety requirements, such as exits, fire safety and public amenities.

Where an event does not require a permit, compliance with building legislation, council event requirements and any other relevant legislation must still be met.

Occupancy permit for Place of Public Entertainment (PoPE)(PDF, 427KB)

Public entertainment is defined as an entertainment or meeting to which admission may be gained by members of the public. A Place of Public Entertainment (PoPE) is defined as an area greater than 500m2 that's used for public entertainment and is either:

  • enclosed or substantially enclosed, or
  • to which admission is gained by giving of money or other consideration.

Exemptions are in place for community-based organisations. Please contact the Building Department to discuss if this is applicable to you.

New fees 2024/25

Place of Public Entertainment – per event
(includes 2 temporary siting of structures)

Place of Public Entertainment

resubmission review of permit within 10 business days

 $500 each 
Additional Temporary Structures – Siting approval per structure



Pool and spa barrier certificates

Private Building Surveyor - Permit lodgement

If you are a private building surveyor, you can use this form to upload building permit related documents such as: 

  • Notification - section 80
  • Building permit - lodgement, amendments, further information, extension of time requests
  • Finalisation - Certificate of final inspection, occupancy permit, cancellation of building permit
  • Enforcement - orders, notices, withdrawals

You can also use the form to provide a link to your Building Permit Management platform (such as PermAssist or PermitPro).

Private Building Surveyor Lodgement

If you are the owner/builder/agent, you will need to find a private building surveyor. Any building surveyor registered in Victoria can provide this service, but here are some local private building surveyors.


Other information and links

For more information on specific building matters, check out the following links:

  • Where planning permits control siting matters(PDF, 1MB)
  • Victorian Building Authority
    Info on pools, spas and safety barriers, smoke alarms, energy ratings, basketball rings, termites and much more.
  • EPA Victoria
    View their publications page for info on reducing stormwater pollution for painters, gardeners, concreters and other trades people.
  • WorkSafe Victoria
    View details on requirements for asbestos removal and general employer/builder’s work site operations.
  • Archicentre
    A national provider of design, advice, assessment and inspection services to the Australian public. It offers an alternative to the developer/volume builder based approach to project delivery.
  • Dispute Resolution
    The Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria (DSCV) provides free dispute resolution services across Victoria, as well as training and accrediting mediators to national standards.