24-hour cat curfew starts across the shire


George the Burmese cat enjoys some fun in the sun. So his owners have built an enclosure that allows him to soak up some rays safely — not only for him but also for native wildlife.

Aireys Inlet residents Jessica and Peter created the outdoor netted enclosure, which also helps George comply with Council’s 24-hour cat curfew. The new curfew requires all cats within the municipality to be confined at all times to the owner’s premises unless the cat is appropriately restrained.

“George is mainly an indoor cat but he loves to be outside in the sun as well,” Jessica said.

“Fortunately, we had an existing tree that we could incorporate into the enclosure design. He can use the tree as a scratching post, and lazing bed. We purchased the cat netting and zippered door through eBay.”

The 24-hour cat curfew — which started 30 September — has been introduced to help prevent harm to wildlife, and to improve the health and safety of cats.

“The cat curfew isn’t an issue for us as George has always been contained,” Jessica said. “We love the local wildlife, especially the birds, and we want to protect them.”

Did you know?  According to Animal Welfare Victoria, cats that are confined to your property live three times longer than those that are allowed to roam.