Bushfire preparedness: Play your role


As we head into a predicted hotter and dryer weather pattern, it is critical to understand and manage our bushfire risk in the Surf Coast Shire. Many of us live in and around the Otways. While we appreciate this natural environment, we need to be aware it poses a risk during bushfire season. 

Bushfire modelling demonstrates that planned burning by fire agencies can reduce the risk to lives and properties by 30 to 40% in the Otways. The capacity to complete these planned burns and reduce the risk is heavily determined by the weather leading up to summer. Some years, less burning is possible so the remaining risk is higher.

The majority of the risk across the Otways is on private land in and around our townships. Action taken on private property can greatly reduce the risk to lives and properties.

How to prepare for increasing bushfire weather conditions

  • Before and during every bushfire season, clean up your property, focusing on:
    • removing fine fuels (leaves, twigs, keeping grass short).
    • reducing shrubs, trees and other flammable objects around your house/sheds etc.
    • vulnerable points such as windows, decking, under house storage etc.

    Learn more via cfa.vic.gov.au/plan-prepare/how-to-prepare-your-property.

  • Embers are responsible for 90% of houses lost in bushfires. By managing vegetation and reducing fuels you can reduce the risk of house loss due to embers. Vegetation management is most important in the lead up to and during summer. Learn more via surfcoast.vic.gov.au/FireReady.
  • By utilising your green waste bin, you can dispose of over 12 cubic meters of green waste per year. Council has provided three free green waste disposal vouchers with the October rates notice for every property. These vouchers are valid in November and December to help clean up your garden of bushfire fuels.

Whether you are living, working or visiting the Surf Coast Shire, it is essential to understand, plan and prepare for bushfire. The Australian Fire Danger Rating System provides triggers for actions.

Plan ahead for the bushfire season