Rainbow Playgroup takes off with flying colours


Toy trucks zoom across the room, snacks are shared, and crayon creations adorn an easel. As toddlers do their best dinosaur roars, a group of parents chat at a weekly catch-up they’ve made their own.

In 2022, Council launched the Surf Coast Rainbow Playgroup in partnership with LGBTQIA+ families, to provide a safe and inclusive space for LGBTQIA+ parents, friends and allies to connect while their children play.

“We came to the first one at the beginning of last year, and we’ve been coming back ever since,” said Hannah, who attends with her two-year-old son Charlie.

“It was previously once a month but as parents, we talked about how the kids were all at that similar age where they could make connections, so we wanted to make it more regular. As they become older, we also thought it was more important for them to see families that look the same as theirs.

“This generation is going to grow up knowing that all families are different, which is extremely different to what we had growing up. It’s great.”

As of this year, the playgroup runs weekly — either at an outdoor venue such as a playground or the beach, or at Torquay Children’s Hub when it’s cooler.

Council also has a Rainbow Families Network Group, to build connections and share information. To join the playgroup or network group, email childandfamily@surfcoast.vic.gov.au.

Surf Coast Rainbow Playgroup is one of numerous initiatives by Council’s Child and Family Health team to help foster a thriving, connected, healthy community. The team also coordinates parent education sessions, first-time parent groups, Mother Goose rhyme time, and family open mornings.